Be careful where you browse ... the internet is a scary place. Click for my full review.
This book has been on my TBR pile for some time, and after finally reading it, I wish I hadn't waited. Gods of the Dark Web is a look into just how depraved and dangerous the other side of the internet can be. Mangum shows us a violent world where acts of depravity and stalking terrors reside. The ghosts in this machine, however, are very real, and know much more than your web address.
The leashes dragged two naked women by their necks. Pink scars in various stages of healing covered their bodies. Their unwashed, knotty hair bounced around their heads as they crawled inside the building.
The story begins with Leon, who in search of the only place he might purchase a firearm, has resorted to surfing the dark web. Unfortunately, Leon found a bit more than what he was looking for, and something very dangerous has found him in return. After Leon's opening altercations things really start to pick up as others are drawn into the search engines of the Dark Web. The book unfolds at a fast pace and is written in a very direct and dynamic prose that keeps the reader engaged and turning the pages. I read the book in an afternoon and will be picking up more titles from Lucas Mangum in the future.
Niles didn't believe in supernatural monsters. In his years of research, he knew all too well the cruelty of humanity.
If you haven't discovered Lucas Mangum yet, you have probably been living under a rock and need to change that right away. Click on the image to visit the Amazon author page where you can browse with confidence ... probably!